TerraNovaOdyssey - Planet Generation
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- June 04, 2023 by Symetry#shaders, #shadergraph, #toon, #ui, #interface, #materialsThis week, I created a UI, implemented it and also created custom materials and shaders for the game. I also made some overall improvements to the project, so it runs pretty smooth in real time. I man... Continue reading
- June 04, 2023 by Symetry#performance, #input, #player-input, #3d, #textures, #3dtextureThis past week I spent my time on figuring how 3D textures work in Unity. Those textures will be used to create the sample-textures for the planets. Once I had those up and running, I started on think... Continue reading
- June 04, 2023 by Symetry#compute-shaders, #shaders, #unity, #performanceThis week i wanted to figure out a way to patch those cracks on the mesh. But after a lot of thinking and talking about it with different people, I noticed that the cracks are only a visual problem, b... Continue reading
- June 04, 2023 by Symetry#marching-cubes, #octree, #procedural, #planetThis week I started looking into methods and algorithms on how I could fix the cracks in the mesh. The cracks appear when neighbouring chunks don't have the same resolution. So when one chunk already... Continue reading
- March 19, 2023 by Symetry#marching cubes, #octree, #procedural, #planetOverview I started the week off by implementing the Marching Cubes Algorithm . Once that was up and running, I started refactoring the code, so that I can now have chunks (small parts of a bigger volu... Continue reading
- March 05, 2023 by Symetry#planning, #marching cubes, #compute shaders, #OctreeIntroduction Uni has begun again, and with that, a new module where we have 8 weeks to try out new stuff. So in this past first week, the focus was on finding a good idea, defining the scope of it, an... Continue reading